Dorany Pineda

reporter covering climate, environment, and water for the LA Times

Dorany Pineda on KCRW

LA's iconic palm trees provide neither shade nor fruit, and many are dying as they reach age 100. Is it time to rethink this staple of LA's vegetative aesthetic?

Post-palm LA? Maybe it’s time for dense, drought-tolerant trees

LA's iconic palm trees provide neither shade nor fruit, and many are dying as they reach age 100. Is it time to rethink this staple of LA's vegetative aesthetic?

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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Adam Schiff or Steve Garvey will become the state’s next senator. Abortion access and pay equity will fall more heavily under the purview of men in the Senate.

from KCRW Features

Where should you start with greening your home, and how do you get it subsidized?

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

The EPA has just passed some air pollution rules that could improve our American’s health.

from Second Opinion

A Malibu mansion and a humble home in Ventura have something in common: Their carbon emissions are net-zero. Is this the next trend in home building?

from KCRW Features

Topanga is one of the riskiest places in LA County for fires and floods. One of the area’s oldest residents explains why she still calls it home after 92 years.

from KCRW Features

Today we’re sharing an episode from a science podcast you might like, Short Wave, from NPR. If you like what you hear, check them out wherever you get podcasts.

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

Fritzi Horstman, founder of the Compassion Prison Project, works with incarcerated individuals to heal childhood trauma and promote peace within the California prison system.

from KCRW Features

As climate change makes water warmer, toxic algae is killing fish and plants in lakes nationwide, including Lake Elsinore. New technology could save them.

from KCRW Features

A seven-minute shower uses about 13 gallons of water. One group is trying to prove that efficient home upgrades can make that amount feel like plenty all day.

from KCRW Features