G.W. Schulz

Center for Investigative Reporting


Reporter for the Center for Investigative Reporting 

G.W. Schulz on KCRW

Law enforcement agencies around the country are experimenting with technologies developed for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Police, Planes, Videotapes and the Constitution

Law enforcement agencies around the country are experimenting with technologies developed for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

from To the Point

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The four leading Asian American groups in OC are uniting up to boost AAPI turnout at the polls. This demographic is growing the fastest, says the Pew Research Center.

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Is there anything about Trump’s abortion position for Joe Biden to capitalize on? Will Biden’s change of tune on Israel win him more supporters?

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This fall, women lawmakers are slated to make up the majority in the California Legislature — a historical first. They could lead on reproductive care and family leave.

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With thousands of votes yet to be counted, political observer Raphael Sonenshein zooms in on the Senate race and key congressional races in Southern California.

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With the narrow approval of Governor Gavin Newsom’s $6.4 billion mental health bond, Prop 1, the work begins to build thousands of treatment beds.

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Could the presidential nominees hurt their congressional colleagues down the ballot? Plus, we examine the president’s response to an Easter controversy.

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Katie Porter’s influence turned Orange County competitive, but after her Senate race loss, Democrats now face the challenge of keeping that same momentum going.

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CA Assemblymember Isaac Bryan’s Green Amendment would ensure Californians have the right to clean air and water. Would it bring real changes?

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Though votes are still being tallied, LA Magazine Reporter Jon Regardie weighs in on which LA races will go to a run-off in November and which saw early wins.

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