Jonathan Alter



Jonathan Alter is an author and analyst with MSNBC. Among his many books are  The Defining Moment: FDR's Hundred Days and the Triumph of HopeThe Promise: President Obama Year One and The Center Holds: Obama and His Enemies.

Alter is a former columnist for the Daily Beast, and former senior editor and columnist for Newsweek magazine.

Jonathan Alter on KCRW

Polls show Democrats have a chance to win back the House majority and maybe even the Senate in 2018. President Trump's ratings are at historic lows.

Can Democrats their act together in time to take back Congress?

Polls show Democrats have a chance to win back the House majority and maybe even the Senate in 2018. President Trump's ratings are at historic lows.

from One Year Later

President Obama released his latest budget today, $4 trillion all told.

Income Inequality and Messaging

President Obama released his latest budget today, $4 trillion all told.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

Congress adjourned for the summer with tax reform still caught in political gridlock.

Can Corporations Be Patriots?

Congress adjourned for the summer with tax reform still caught in political gridlock.

from To the Point

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