Rebecca MacKinnon

New America Foundation


Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation and founder of Global Voices Online; author of Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom; Visiting fellow at Princeton University's Center for Information Technology Policy; former CNN Beijing Bureau Chief and correspondent (1998-2001), she started working there in 1992

Rebecca MacKinnon on KCRW

The web was invented 25 years ago by a British physicist with a strong sense of Western values.

The Web at 25: Free Flow of Information or Censorship?

The web was invented 25 years ago by a British physicist with a strong sense of Western values.

from To the Point

During Vice President Joe Biden's recent visit to China, he complained to the highest officials about the treatment of western reporters.

The Challenge of Getting the Truth about China

During Vice President Joe Biden's recent visit to China, he complained to the highest officials about the treatment of western reporters.

from To the Point

There's a major battle on Capitol Hill involving big money with Republicans and Democrats on both sides of the issue.

Internet Piracy: Will SOPA Change the Web as We Know It?

There's a major battle on Capitol Hill involving big money with Republicans and Democrats on both sides of the issue.

from Which Way, L.A.?

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