Samantha Cole

senior editor for Vice’s science and technology outlet, Motherboard; author of book “How Sex Changed the Internet and the Internet Changed Sex”

Samantha Cole on KCRW

Author Samantha Cole explains how a Playboy centerfold became the standard for image processing, porn sites show innate human problems, and A.I.

Porn, Playboy JPEGs, AI: Sex and the internet are intertwined

Author Samantha Cole explains how a Playboy centerfold became the standard for image processing, porn sites show innate human problems, and A.I.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

The website Pornhub has taken down 80% of its content.

‘It definitely shuts down a lot of those avenues for abuse.’ Pornhub removes videos from unverified users

The website Pornhub has taken down 80% of its content.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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