Sean Habibi

KCRW Staff

Sean Habibi on KCRW

Who was William Mulholland? Where do we get our drinking water from? What do you know about the past, present and future of L.A.’s water? Take our quiz! [mtouchquiz 3]

Quiz: What do you know about LA’s water?

Who was William Mulholland? Where do we get our drinking water from? What do you know about the past, present and future of L.A.’s water? Take our quiz! [mtouchquiz 3]

from News Stories

Last week, we asked for your help.   We wanted to make a word cloud for the Drive, but we needed you to submit “one word” that describes KCRW.  …


Last week, we asked for your help.   We wanted to make a word cloud for the Drive, but we needed you to submit “one word” that describes KCRW.  …

from Members

It’s Good Food Saturday!   TODAY, when you opt to give meals to the LA Regional Food Bank, your donation is DOUBLED! That means you donate 80 meals!     KCRW members…

Good Food Saturday – Donate 80 Meals Today!

It’s Good Food Saturday!   TODAY, when you opt to give meals to the LA Regional Food Bank, your donation is DOUBLED! That means you donate 80 meals!     KCRW members…

from Members

More from KCRW

Volunteers spent days cataloging the wildlife around the U.S. southern border during the annual Border BioBlitz to establish the region as a biodiversity hotspot.

from KCRW Features

As climate change threatens water supplies, Orange County is exploring turning brackish ocean water (from a natural aquifer) into drinkable tap water.

from KCRW Features

Caleigh and Candice end the “chicken vs. fish” debate, once and for all.

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

From mountain tops to the underworld, Robert Macfarlane explores the natural world through language, metaphor, and music.

from Life Examined

A seven-minute shower uses about 13 gallons of water. One group is trying to prove that efficient home upgrades can make that amount feel like plenty all day.

from KCRW Features

The California Energy Commission unanimously adopted a strategic plan to build the state’s offshore wind industry. Much of that will happen at the Port of Long Beach.

from KCRW Features

Crews set to begin dismantling historic Wayfarers Chapel

from KCRW Features

The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument expansion will protect wildlife and a crucial water source, while offering more green space to underserved Anglenos.

from KCRW Features

Where should you start with greening your home, and how do you get it subsidized?

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast