Tirzah Firestone

Rabbi, psychotherapist and author of “Wounds into Wisdom: Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma”

Rabbi, psychotherapist and author of “Wounds into Wisdom: Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma.”

Tirzah Firestone on KCRW

In times of severe trauma many people turn to their spiritual communities for support and guidance.

Lessons on healing trauma from a rabbi and an imam

In times of severe trauma many people turn to their spiritual communities for support and guidance.

from Life Examined

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At present, the role of genetics testing in the diagnosis or treatment of depression is not ready for prime time.

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A model of eye care to increase access without compromising on quality.

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Author and activist Virgie Tovar is back with her own questions about sex dreams, perimenopause, and masturbating in the sun.

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Therapist Lori Gottlieb talks about common misperceptions surrounding couples therapy, why change is so hard, and the growing trend of therapy rhetoric.

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Finding an effective treatment can be tricky, but it need not be a pill.

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