A Contestant’s Perspective of the Third Annual Good Food Pie Contest

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Bobbie Jo Chi participated in the Third Annual Good Food Pie Contest last Sunday at LACMA.  Her Burton’s Arrow Blueberry Pie won 2nd place in the Tim Burton category.  Below she shares with us her experience serving her pies to the public at the pie contest…
On Pie day, I couldn’t have imagined a better feeling than when a stranger asked me for a slice of “my” pie.  I am so glad we sampled the pies because it was so fulfilling to hear a “yum,” “oooh,” or “that looks so good!”
Not that I was expecting a stampede, but I have to remark on how organized (or should I say cooperative?) the samplers were.
My favorite interactions– the man who pointed to a specific spot on the pie that he wanted me to include in his slice, the person who scowled at the description of my pie, and finally the lady with an empty plate (note that I was towards the end of the buffet line) who said that she waited in line only to taste my pecan pie.  Naturally, I gave her a third of the whole pie!
I also really enjoyed meeting the bakers serving around me, we laughed and talked about (what else?) pie.