Australia Trip – We’ve Arrived

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Evan and I arrived after a marathon trip on the biggest plane I have ever seen.  We flew on the Airbus a380 – it was gigantic!  Here is Evan snuggled into her seat/capsule ready for takeoff:

Cozy Evan on the a380
Cozy Evan on the a380 (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

Upon arrival in Sydney we stumbled through customs to the terminal where we had to transfer to the domestic terminal for our flight to Adelaide.  What did we see?  Krispy Kreme and McDonald’s.  I’ll admit that my heart sank a bit when I saw those Golden Arches.  I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t a Big Mac.  After a short trip to Adelaide, we deplaned and headed to the hotel.  The first thing we saw in the Adelaide terminal?  Dreamy Donuts.  Which prompted Evan to ask “What’s up with the donuts?”  At that point, we needed coffee and a shower before we started our day.  After all it was now Wednesday (we left on Monday) and we are in Australia!

Dreamy Donuts
Dreamy Donuts (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

By the way, the time difference between Sydney and Adelaide – 30 minutes!