Food Forward Needs Your Help! Join the Glean Team Today.

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Here’s how the FMR Program Works:

Volunteers arrive at the market and issue collection boxes to the farmers. The farmers fill the boxes with their unsold produce. At the end of the market we collect the boxes and distribute the produce to our hunger relief receiving agencies on-site at the market. All of the produce collected goes to agencies serving the local communities.

There are two roles volunteers play on market days: Glean Team Leads and Glean Team Volunteers. Right now, FF is specifically seeking Glean Team Leads (although any volunteers are gratefully accepted!)

Glean Team Leads have the following responsibilities:

  • Leads volunteers to collect, weigh, sort, and report donations
  • Distributes produce to the receiving agencies at the market
  • Acts as the point person for questions (from market staff, vendors, or receiving agencies)
  • Takes photos of produce and vendors for weekly Vendor Spotlights for Facebook/Twitter/Instagram

If you’re interested, email Food Forward at with the subject line “Glean Team Lead.”