Recipe: Amelia Saltsman’s European Plum Meringue Torte

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European Plum Meringue Torte. (Photo by Stacy Valentine.)

In her latest book, The Seasonal Jewish Kitchen, author Amelia Saltsman presents a fresh, new take on cooking through the Jewish calendar. Inspired by her personal food ancestry and perspective on seasonality and sustainability, she’s divided her book into six micro-seasons with recipes that highlight the deep connection of Jewish traditions to the year’s growing cycles.

“This recipe is based on the one in my Aunt Hanna’s decades-old baking journal. Although the term torte classically refers to nut cakes with little or no flour, the popular definition includes single layer flour-based cakes such as this one. European plum varieties, such as the dusky blue-purple, tawny-fleshed oval Italian or French prunes, are traditionally used in French Jewish and German Jewish autumn holiday desserts. The fruits are meaty, sweet, and good for baking. Japanese varieties (Santa Rosa, Satsuma, and the like) are much juicier and better eaten out of hand. Later in the year, this torte is delicious made with apples or pears. In summer, it is gorgeous with ripe apricots.”