Recipe: Barley Risotto with Mushroom and Broccoli

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Barley Risotto This weekend on the Market Report, Laura Avery talks to Chef James Trees. Currently Trees is debuting his forthcoming Treehouse restaurant concept at This is Not A Pop-Up, a so-called “culinary incubator” program for chefs. Organizers Helen Springut and Helena Brown describe the project as an opportunity for chefs to focus on the creative aspects of a restaurant. Basically that means cooking what they want and how they want to without the distractions of running a restaurant night after night. Sounds like fun, right?

You will find this recipe for Barley Risotto with Mushroom and Broccoli on the menu this weekend. Notice that Chef Trees uses black garlic in this recipe which he says tastes like mushrooms and has a “massive amount of umami”. He uses it as a substitute for truffle oil which is often made of chemicals. Look for it at your local farmers market.
Keep reading for the recipe and find the list of forthcoming chefs at This is Not a Pop Up here.