Recipe: Madhur Jaffrey’s Kodaga-Style Broiled Portobello Mushrooms (Chutta Kumme)

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Madhur Jaffrey - Kodaga Broiled Portobellos
Madhur Jaffrey’s (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

Madhur Jaffrey’s newest cookbook, Vegetarian Indian: A Journey Through the Best of Indian Home Cooking is a guide for regional cooking throughout her home country.

Madhur discovered this recipe for broiled mushrooms during a visit to Coorg in the southwestern part of India. During the four-month rainy season there, locals sustain themselves by foraging for ingredients in nearby forests.

“It is an age-old tradition followed by the rich and poor alike,” she writes. “It is at this time of year that delicacies such as wild mush­rooms, young bamboo shoots, unfurled colocasia leaves and ferns suddenly become available.”

During her stay in Coorg, Madhur witnessed wild mushrooms the size of dinner plates being cooked over a wood fire and garnished with crushed chilies, lime juice and salt.

Here she has adapted the recipe to use portobello mushrooms, which are easily accessible in the States.