Recipe: Russ Parsons’ Dry-brined turkey (a.k.a. the ‘Judy Bird’)

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Photo: Beatrice de Gea / Los Angeles Times (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

Russ Parsons, Food Editor at the LA Times, spends the weeks before Thanksgiving converting wet brine believers to his dry-brine technique. The so-called “Judy Bird” (named in honor of Judy Rogers of San Francisco’s Zuni Cafe) requires only a few tablespoons of salt and a sealable plastic bag. Wet brining can involve a bucket of brining solution and a bobbing turkey which is hard to make room for when your fridge is stocked with sides.

Russ shares his love of dry-bringing tomorrow on the show so we thought we’d share his recipe, first published in the LA Times, with you below…