Hollywood news banter

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  • It’s broadcast TV upfronts week in New York! An annual tradition where the networks unveil their fall lineup to advertisers has massively transformed as the focus of the industry has shifted to streaming. It’s also the first upfronts since Disney’s acquisition of Fox, and The Hollywood Reporter TV critic said this made their presentation like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
  • There was an awkward moment at the CBS press breakfast, an event always famously presided over by Les Moonves in the past. This year, with Moonves out of the picture, Kelly Kahl hosted the breakfast and had to explain why CBS has elected to keep broadcasting the TV show ‘Bull,’ after the star Michael Weatherly was accused of inappropriate behavior. His costar making the allegations, Eliza Dushku, was written out of the show in an earlier season.
  • Verve talent agency may sign the WGA code of conduct. It’d be a major move in the standoff between the writers guild and talent agencies. Verve is not a member of the Association of Talent Agents, they don’t engage in any self production, and they represent a lot of literary clients, so it makes sense that they’d try to find a way to get themselves back in the game.




Kim Masters


Kaitlin Parker