What led to downfall of Time’s Up? Too much power, conflict of interest

Women's March protesters carry signs that say “#metoo #timesup,” San Francisco, CA, Jan. 20, 2018. Photo by Shutterstock.

Five years have passed since the #MeToo movement brought the downfall of powerful Hollywood figures. That includes Harvey Weinstein, who’s been sentenced to 23 years in prison, and actor Kevin Spacey, who faces a $40 million trial for sexual misconduct. Most recently, five-time Emmy Award winner Eric Weinberg faces 18 new charges of sexual assault and abuse. And while the #MeToo movement continues, the organization that was founded in its wake has imploded.

The nonprofit Time’s Up started in 2018 to support women victimized by sexual harassment — with a legal defense backed by Oprah, Shonda Rhimes, and Reese Witherspoon.

