As the Great Recession grinds on, more than two million Americans have had their unemployment benefits cut off this moth could get them back. The House has voted another three-month extension, but all but two Republicans in the Senate refuse to go along. Some say benefits discourage the search for work. Others call the $34 billion cost too much to pay at a time when the deficit's rising. With a showdown expected tomorrow when a new Democrat Senator will replace the late Robert Byrd of West Virginia, President Obama made the case at the White House today.
Are the Out-of-Work about to Be Out of Benefits?
- Michael Fletcher - Washington Post - @Fletchpost
- Derek Thompson - Staff writer, The Atlantic - @DKThomp
- Jeffrey Miron - Senior Lecturer in Economics, Harvard University
- Ross Eisenbrey - Vice President, Economic Policy Institute
- Allan Zaremberg - California Chamber of Commerce - @CalChamber