US Diplomacy and Iran

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As President Obama tries to deal with Iran, that country's domestic politics are creating a nightmare for diplomacy. Both reformers and hard liners may want a nuclear deal with the West, but neither side wants the other to get the credit. In the meantime, Iran has charged three US hikers with spying, and Israel has intercepted an arms shipment it says Iran sent to Hezbollah in Lebanon. And major questions remain: is Iran really building a nuclear weapon?  Is an Israeli attack really likely?



  • Our Correspondent in Tehran - social scientist who conducts research in Iran
  • David Sanger - Pulitzer Prize-winning White House and national security correspondent for the New York Times, author of “New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend The West” - @SangerNYT
  • Robin Wright - contributing writer at The New Yorker magazine, and a joint fellow at U.S. Institute of Peace and the Woodrow Wilson Center - @wrightr
  • Yossi Melman - Commentator, Ha'aretz


Warren Olney