When Congress reconvenes, it's scheduled to take up renewal of President Bush's signature education reform, No Child Left Behind. Accountability was supposed to come from tests in reading and math, with the threat of sanctions against schools where scores didn't improve. But since we broadcast this program in January, the issues have not changed. Congressman George Miller and others want to allow states to use more than just annual tests to rate schools. The California Democrat would also provide for testing some students with limited English skills in their native languages. Has NCLB leveled the playing field for all kids, regardless of where they come from? Has accountability raised the level of student performance? Has testing become the end of--instead of just the beginning--of quality education? We assess how NCLB is working at a couple of target schools.
No Child Left Behind: Is It Passing or Failing?
- Stephen Rochelle - Principal at Orville Wright Middle School
- Vince Carbino - Principal at Santee Learning Complex
- Michael Petrilli - Thomas Fordham Foundation - @MichaelPetrilli
- Paul Cummins - Executive Director of New Visions Foundation