Splitting the Difference on Nuclear Weapons

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What threats justify maintaining a nuclear arsenal? When, if ever, could such weapons be used? Those and other questions get some new answers in the Obama Administration's Nuclear Posture Review, reviving arguments that go back to World War II. Now that the Soviet Union is ancient history, the focus is on North Korea, Iran, proliferation and terror. What's the best way to deal with those challenges, reduce the chance of a confrontation and keep America as safe as possible? We hear from journalists, nuclear experts, military analysts and former Pentagon officials.



  • David Sanger - Pulitzer Prize-winning White House and national security correspondent for the New York Times, author of “New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend The West” - @SangerNYT
  • Jonathan Schell - Fellow, The Nation Institute
  • Dan Goure - Lexington Institute - @dgoure
  • William Hartung - senior fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft - @williamhartung


Warren Olney