Former Senator John Edwards says he’s not worried that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are getting all the attention, but New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's frustrated about it. So are Senators Chris Dodd and Joseph Biden, who, like Richardson, have lengthy experience. With the first primaries 10 months away, polls show five also-rans way behind the top three. How did that happen? Why don't the so-called "second tier" candidates just drop out like Tom Vilsack, Evan Bayh and Mark Warner? We speak with political scientists, strategists and speechwriters about polls, pundits, party activists and money.
Can the Turtles Catch Up with the Hares?
- Dane Strother - Democratic consultant with Strother Duffy Strother
- Tom Schaller - professor of political science at University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- David Sirota - International Business Times - @davidsirota
- David Roybal - former Speechwriter, then-Engergy Secretary Ralph Richardson