To the Point Will the Black Lives Matter movement force political change? Hosted by Warren Olney Aug. 08, 2016 National Listen 53 min MORE Photo: The All-Nite Images From this Episode: Trump rolls out his economic plan in Detroit In Detroit today, Donald Trump made what was billed as a " major economic address ," promising again to cut taxes and put a hold on regulations. As to recent Labor... 7 min Does Black Lives Matter have staying power? "Black Lives Matter" was a phrase used on Facebook after the killing of Trayvon Martin in 2012. Then it became a hashtag that's become a nationwide network using social... 32 min NBC leaves many frustrated with lackluster Olympics coverage Year after year, NBC's coverage of the Olympics has been criticized by sports fans and others. The games in Rio are no exception. NBC has delayed broadcast of the Opening... 8 min Credits Host: Warren Olney Producers: Jenny Hamel, Paul von Zielbauer, Andrea Brody