President Bush told NPR yesterday he has no intention of attacking Iran. Yet while the United States is not engaged in armed conflict with Iran, sources confirm that we are at "war by other means," and that America's allies in the Middle East are very supportive. Meantime, responding to the Bush Administration's promise of evidence of Iran's meddling in Iraq, by arming and training insurgents to destabilize the new government, Iranian and Iraqi officials say they have business together. While nobody knows for sure whether the US is gearing up for war with Iran, it's certain that there's new concern beyond the issue of developing the capacity to make nuclear weapons. We hear more about rumored US plans for military action against Iran from journalists and Middle East experts, including a former advisor to the Iraq Study Group. (An extended version of this discussion was originally broadcast earlier today on To the Point.)
The Growing Standoff between the US and Iran over Iraq
- Laura Rozen - Al-Monitor - @lrozen
- Trita Parsi - Executive Vice President of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft - @tparsi
- Phebe Marr - former advisor, Iraq Study Group
- Joshua Muravchik - Johns Hopkins University - @joshuamuravchik