Ameena Mirza Qazi

Council on American-Islamic Relations


Deputy Executive Director and staff attorney at the Council on American-Islamic Relations

Ameena Mirza Qazi on KCRW

The "state secrets privilege" allows the federal government to ask lawsuits to be dismissed on the grounds that evidence might damage national security.

Local Muslims' Lawsuit Smacked Down by Obama Administration

The "state secrets privilege" allows the federal government to ask lawsuits to be dismissed on the grounds that evidence might damage national security.

from Which Way, L.A.?

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LA chicken legend Koo Koo Roo announced its return this week. KCRW spoke with its new CEO to get answers to burning questions.

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On this 9/11 anniversary, KCRW looks at what has happened in Afghanistan since U.S. forces withdrew, particularly the ongoing erosion of rights for women under the Taliban.

A hotdish must be a main dish that includes protein, starch, veggies, and a creamy element. Evan Kleiman takes on the recipe for Tim’s Turkey Taco Tot Hotdish .

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Will shifts in the Democratic agenda leave progressives out in the cold? KCRW discusses the DNC. Plus, can labor laws for minors balance safety and opportunity?

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Protests against the war in Gaza may look different this school year.

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Both COVID and mosquito-borne diseases are spreading this summer. A Pasadena-based doctor talks about the latest coronavirus vaccine and other protective measures.

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