Cindy Chvatal-Keane

president of the Hancock Park Homeowners Association

Cindy Chvatal-Keane on KCRW

California faces a housing crisis. So a bill in the state legislature aims to get lots of housing built -- by overriding local zoning control.

What the housing density bill might do to historic neighborhoods

California faces a housing crisis. So a bill in the state legislature aims to get lots of housing built -- by overriding local zoning control.

from Design and Architecture

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Measure A – on LA County ballots this November – asks voters whether or not to approve a sales tax hike to fund homeless services and affordable housing.

from KCRW Features

A commuter train that emits only water vapor will start carrying SoCal passengers in early 2025. State officials have already ordered 10 more.

from KCRW Features

Gregorio Mancilla earned less than minimum wage as a garment worker when he made it his goal to save enough money to send his daughter to college.

from KCRW Features

Voters will have the chance to raise the state minimum wage to $18 with Prop 32. Wages are usually a hot topic in the state, but campaign spending is low.

from KCRW Features

You might know that Los Angeles beaches get dirty after a winter storm, but it remains a problem in the summer, too. Why? And does it keep anyone away?

from KCRW Features

Ten billion dollars doesn’t go far when it comes to adapting to climate change, but the state has a lot of projects planned, should this bond measure pass.

from KCRW Features

For Matt Allen, the artist's life is a constant hustle to diversify your skills. He reflects on his success and finding balance.

from KCRW Features

City Councilman Kevin De Leon is running for reelection against tenant rights attorney Ysabel Jurado. The outcome could determine whether City Hall leans more progressive.

from KCRW Features

By 1969, Pamela Des Barres was no longer a Valley teenybopper; she had transformed into a full fledged rock n roll icon-in-the-making.

from Lost Notes