Gavin Schmidt

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies


Climate scientist and Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and Director and Adjunct Senior Research Scientist at Columbia University's Center for Climate Systems Research

Gavin Schmidt on KCRW

Climate change is a big part of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic platform. Donald Trump and the GOP call it a hoax with no basis in science.

Climate Change: Politics and Reality

Climate change is a big part of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic platform. Donald Trump and the GOP call it a hoax with no basis in science.

from To the Point

Everybody knows about the winter weather — closing airports in Europe, collapsing the Metrodome roof in Minneapolis, and tying up much of the eastern United States.

Why All the Extreme Weather?

Everybody knows about the winter weather — closing airports in Europe, collapsing the Metrodome roof in Minneapolis, and tying up much of the eastern United States.

from To the Point

Surveys show that public opinion on climate change quite literally shifts with the weather. Now there's a more persuasive kind of evidence.

Views on Global Warming Change with the Weather

Surveys show that public opinion on climate change quite literally shifts with the weather. Now there's a more persuasive kind of evidence.

from Which Way, L.A.?

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A Ninth Circuit case has limited how LA responds to homelessness. If the Supreme Court tosses out that decision, the city could ban camping in more places.

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The four leading Asian American groups in OC are uniting up to boost AAPI turnout at the polls. This demographic is growing the fastest, says the Pew Research Center.

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In this episode of the Scheer Intelligence podcast, host Robert Scheer and The Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal contextualize the events of Oct.

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With the narrow approval of Governor Gavin Newsom’s $6.4 billion mental health bond, Prop 1, the work begins to build thousands of treatment beds.

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California has filed a lawsuit against Huntington Beach over its recently passed voter ID law.

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A day after Gaza protests erupted on campus, USC students are disappointed to learn that May 10’s main stage commencement ceremony is canceled.

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A committee wants to invest in the happiness of Californias with data-proven ideas. But a multi-billion dollar state budget deficit looms over their efforts.

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