James Rubenstein

co-author, Who Really Made Your Car?


Professor of Geography at Miami University in Ohio and an auto industry analyst; co-author of Who Really Made Your Car?: Restructuring and Geographic Change in the Auto Industry

James Rubenstein on KCRW

The Big Three bailout  passed the House  but stalled in the Senate today, even after Barack Obama warned that collapse of the auto industry would have "a devastating ripple effect"…

Will Washington Rescue Detroit's Big Three?

The Big Three bailout passed the House but stalled in the Senate today, even after Barack Obama warned that collapse of the auto industry would have "a devastating ripple effect"…

from Which Way, L.A.?

After a  compromise  between Democrats and the Bush White House, Congress passed the  $14 billion Big Three bailout  bill last night.

Will the US Get a 'Car Czar?'

After a compromise between Democrats and the Bush White House, Congress passed the $14 billion Big Three bailout bill last night.

from To the Point

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