Liam Dillon

LA Times reporter


staff writer for the LA Times

Liam Dillon on KCRW

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is one of the biggest landlords on Skid Row. A report from the LA Times has revealed squalid and dangerous living conditions.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s housing efforts failed Skid Row residents

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is one of the biggest landlords on Skid Row. A report from the LA Times has revealed squalid and dangerous living conditions.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

It is challenging enough finding an affordable apartment to rent in LA. It’s even harder to find one that is both affordable and has a refrigerator. But why?

Left out in the cold: Why don't LA apartments come with refrigerators?

It is challenging enough finding an affordable apartment to rent in LA. It’s even harder to find one that is both affordable and has a refrigerator. But why?

from Greater LA

Some cities are trying to curb California’s new “duplex law” that takes effect in 2022, though proponents say it will provide relief for the state’s homelessness crisis.

Changes are coming to CA’s zoning rules. Some cities are resisting

Some cities are trying to curb California’s new “duplex law” that takes effect in 2022, though proponents say it will provide relief for the state’s homelessness crisis.

from Greater LA

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Elementary and middle school kids have been flocking to makeup stores to buy serums and creams recommended to them on TikTok. But they’re harming their skin.

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ADHD medication has been in short supply for years. Have you had a hard time accessing treatment? Share your story.

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Private developers are using LA’s affordable housing policy to build no-frills micro-units for LA workers earning about $75,000 a year.

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We are regularly bombarded with advertisements promoting unproven and non-approved dietary supplements. Congress has chosen to look the other way.

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While paying those addicted to drugs to stop using has its skeptics, studies suggest it has real potential

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