Mark DiCamillo

Field Poll


Director of the Field Poll, a public-opinion news service based in San Francisco, and the oldest polling firm in California

Mark DiCamillo on KCRW

A new poll out of U.C. Berkeley finds that 8 in 10 registered Republicans in California have little to no trust in the news media.

Coloring the news, red and blue

A new poll out of U.C. Berkeley finds that 8 in 10 registered Republicans in California have little to no trust in the news media.

from The Mixer

Public opinion about elected officials goes up and down. In California it might depend, at least in part, on the weather.

Californians Feel Good about the Direction the State's Heading

Public opinion about elected officials goes up and down. In California it might depend, at least in part, on the weather.

from Which Way, L.A.?

Liberal New Yorkers called former Mayor Michael Bloomberg a government nanny when he tried to restrict so-called Big Gulps of high-sugar sodas.

The Soda Wars Have Come to California

Liberal New Yorkers called former Mayor Michael Bloomberg a government nanny when he tried to restrict so-called Big Gulps of high-sugar sodas.

from Which Way, L.A.?

More from KCRW

After his felony conviction, Donald Trump wants to secure a lot of cash from tech and business sector donors at three fundraisers in California this week.

from KCRW Features

Adam Schiff or Steve Garvey will become the state’s next senator. Abortion access and pay equity will fall more heavily under the purview of men in the Senate.

from KCRW Features

Cell Dogs rescues canines from local shelters and facilitates pup training programs at correctional facilities.

from KCRW Features

A Long Beach mother is fighting for reforms in the mental health system after her son’s lifelong battle with addiction and mental illness led to his untimely death.

from KCRW Features

Inglewood school officials blame closures on declining student enrollment and aging facilities. But distraught community members suspect financial motives.

from KCRW Features

Enjoy this guide to edible wildflowers (with recipes!) in Southern California.

from Good Food

An affordable housing developer got $114 million from Gov. Newsom’s Homekey program. Now, with little to show for it, legal and financial problems are mounting.

from Greater LA

The California Energy Commission unanimously adopted a strategic plan to build the state’s offshore wind industry. Much of that will happen at the Port of Long Beach.

from KCRW Features

In the 1990s, a reading strategy called “balanced literacy” took over CA public schools. The problem? Kids didn’t learn to read. Now, phonics is making a comeback.

from KCRW Features