Ross Anderson

staff writer at The Atlantic

Ross Anderson on KCRW

Open AI, the company behind Chat GPT, is leading artificial intelligence. What is it truly capable of?

How powerful can Chat GPT get? Even its creators aren’t sure

Open AI, the company behind Chat GPT, is leading artificial intelligence. What is it truly capable of?

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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Since October, the robotaxi company Waymo has been offering driverless rides in Los Angeles. Greater LA’s Steve Chotakis tried one out for himself.

from Greater LA

Your practical, personal guide to protecting the planet will be back with new episodes starting February 21!

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

Robotaxi companies say their technology will fix the problems with human driving. But critics are pushing back about safety and efficacy.

from Greater LA

Why isn’t there a Viagra type drug for women? What happens when your porn habits impact your dating life? When it comes to sex the answers aren’t always so simple.

from How’s Your Sex Life?

After gaining a sizeable following on TikTok, can an influencer become a showrunner? And does he even need to?

from KCRW Features

Have yourself a merry, waste-free Christmas. Let your impact be light!

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

MIT cognitive scientist and author Tali Sharot delves into the science behind habituation and how breaking up habits and routines can help reset our brains.

from Life Examined

Overwhelmed by climate change? Here are some ways to manage the anxiety.

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

This week, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Indigenous ecologist and author of Braiding Sweetgrass speaks about the virtues of moss and how one of the smallest and humblest plants on the planet…

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