Ryan Orr

editor of the Big Bear Grizzly

Ryan Orr on KCRW

Residents in the San Bernardino Mountains are still digging out from the snow. Now another storm bringing rain complicates the situation.

San Bernardino Mountains residents face new concerns after snow

Residents in the San Bernardino Mountains are still digging out from the snow. Now another storm bringing rain complicates the situation.

from Greater LA

More from KCRW

The San Gabriel Mountains National Monument expansion will protect wildlife and a crucial water source, while offering more green space to underserved Anglenos.

from KCRW Features

With only four finalists, culled from 18 semi-finalists, Southern California did not have a good year.

from Good Food

Yes, you can live your green values all the way to the grave.

from The Anti-Dread Climate Podcast

CSU Long Beach researchers are investigating two local incidents of sharks biting humans, but they say the attacks are rare and movies often misrepresent the marine predators.

from KCRW Features

As climate change threatens water supplies, Orange County is exploring turning brackish ocean water (from a natural aquifer) into drinkable tap water.

from KCRW Features

As climate change makes water warmer, toxic algae is killing fish and plants in lakes nationwide, including Lake Elsinore. New technology could save them.

from KCRW Features

A breeding program and wildlife corridor are helping boost the population of the Palos Verdes blue butterfly, one of the rarest butterflies in the world.

from KCRW Features

Warming ocean temperatures affect albacore tuna’s migratory patterns, and that’s made it more difficult for local fishermen to make a living catching them.

from KCRW Features

The California Energy Commission unanimously adopted a strategic plan to build the state’s offshore wind industry. Much of that will happen at the Port of Long Beach.

from KCRW Features