Sharon Salzberg

Educator, meditation teacher and Co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society

Educator, meditation teacher and Co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society.  Author of Real Happiness. Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness, and Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World, Her latest book, Real Life: The Journey from Isolation to Openness and Freedom, will be released on April 11, 2023.

Sharon Salzberg on KCRW

Welcome to the Midweek Reset from Life Examined, where host Jonathan Bastian takes a small pause for a new perspective.

Midweek Reset: Sharon Salzberg and emotional balance

Welcome to the Midweek Reset from Life Examined, where host Jonathan Bastian takes a small pause for a new perspective.

from Life Examined

Renowned Buddhist teacher and psychologist Tara Brach talks about the power of Buddhism in modern therapy.

Becoming a Buddhist: Two renowned teachers, two stories of transformation

Renowned Buddhist teacher and psychologist Tara Brach talks about the power of Buddhism in modern therapy.

from Life Examined

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How to deal with a bad kisser? How soon is too soon to take a relationship exclusive? And how to stay close with long distance friends.

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Kenneth Miller, writer and author of Mapping the Darkness; The Visionary Scientists Who Unlocked The Mysteries of Sleep, looks at the history and mysteries surrounding sleep and why it…

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Clinical psychology professor Lisa Miller explores the science behind spirituality and religiosity.

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Authors Katherine May and Bonnie Tsui share their love of water and swimming, from freezing mid-winter plunges to the history and draw of the water’s edge.

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Damona Hoffman, host of the Dates & Mates podcast, drops by to answer your questions alongside Myisha. Should you lie about your age on dating apps?

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This week, Anna Lembke, addiction specialist at Stanford Addiction Medicine Dual Diagnosis Clinic , and author of “ Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence ,”…

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Jonathan Bastian talks with psychologist Paul Bloom about the role that hardship and pain play in living a good life.

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Writer Elizabeth Rush recounts her two-month journey to Antarctica and shares the impact seeing its fast-melting Thwaites Glacier up close had on her life.

from Life Examined