Checking in on voting centers in Beverly Hills, Baldwin Hills


In the first few hours of voting this morning, things have been smooth at LA County’s voting centers. Voters are in and out without significant delays. But Dean Logan, the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder, warns that for people planning to vote in person later today, there’s a possibility of longer wait times.

This is very different from Super Tuesday in March, the last time KCRW’s Caleigh Wells last covered in-person voting. That day, voters at every voting center she visited were waiting at least 45 minutes. Today, with 12 million ballots already cast in California, it’s a much slower pace. 

Wells checked on voting centers in Beverly Hills, first at the Beverly Hilton and then at Beverly Hills City Hall. She reported no lines for the voters who turned out to vote in person early this morning. 

At a Baldwin Hills voting center, Lori Hicks Sledd showed up to vote in person with her two sons, Chris and Cory Sledd. Sledd, who teaches accounting at Santa Monica College, said she appreciated having time to read about the propositions, two of which grabbed her attention.

“It’s probably not a very popular opinion, but I voted no against rent control because, from an economic standpoint, it causes more housing crisis. And then on the Uber/Lyft initiative … I think that the drivers really should have all benefits covered, including severance, including healthcare, including unemployment insurance … and work for at least guaranteed minimum wage.”

Her son Chris Sledd said his preference was to vote in person this year. “I, one, am not keen on the USPS system at the moment. I didn’t want to mail anything in. … Because I don’t vote everyday … I like the traditional way of going in person, getting my sticker, all that kind of stuff.”