Nick Offerman discusses woodworking, walks, and words on paper

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Where the Deer and the Antelope Play will be available in paperback on October 3. Photo by Joe Carrotta.

Nick Offerman is probably best known for his roles in Parks and Recreation, The Last of Us, The Founder, and more. But he’s also an accomplished author. Where the Deer and the Antelope Play will be available in paperback on October 3. In it, he writes about the importance of knowing where one’s food comes from, the pleasures of wandering America’s national parks, the manners of walking in LA (to wave or not to wave?). He even shares some political thoughts (Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh does not get off easily). 

Nick Offerman will be discussing Where The Deer and the Antelope Play with George Saunders at Book Soup on October 7.

