Larry Summers departs the scene after a) either doing the right thing for the economy or b) failing miserably. Was he a brilliant economist or an academic bought by Wall Street? And who will replace him? Paul Volcker says the financial system is broken. Is the GOP Pledge to America like the Contract with America? Does it have anything new to say or do? Surprisingly, NO, says Tony Blankley, our Conservative, and he helps define what the Tea Party is really about. The Democrats decide not to decide about tax cuts. And will the documentary Waiting for Superman be the tipping point for school reform?
Banner image: House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), holds a copy of 'A Pledge To America', while flanked by members of Congress during an event at the Tart Lumber on September 23, 2010 in Sterling, Va. Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images