You don't have to be a political junkie to know that Hillary Clinton and John McCain are the comeback kids of yesterday's New Hampshire primaries—even though Mc Cain points out that he's hardly a kid. Barack Obama said Iowa proved white Americans would vote for a black man. Gloria Steinem said it proved gender is harder to overcome than race. Yesterday's results in New Hampshire have prevented a lot of story lines from becoming conventional wisdom. Is Hillary Clinton the front-runner after all? Can John McCain compete against major money in big states? Will religion emerge as an underlying issue? What's up between now and Tsunami Tuesday?
Comebacks in New Hampshire and the Road Ahead
- Larry Sabato - Director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics and editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball. He’s author of “The Kennedy Half Century; The Presidency, Assassination, and Lasting Legacy of John F. Kennedy.” - @larrysabato
- Robert Ford - South Carolina State Senate
- Tad Devine - Democratic Strategist, Devine Mulvey
- Tony Fabrizio - Republican pollster, Fabrizio, McLaughlin, & Associates
- Chris Christoff - Political Reporter, Detroit Free Press
- David Damore - Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada Las Vegas
- Lee Bandy - Political Columnist, The State