For the first time since the markets reopened after September 11, the Federal Reserve today stunned Wall Street by making an emergency cut in interest rates. In 2001, it was a half a percentage point; today it was three-quarters, a week earlier than expected, and bigger than any such cut since 1982. The Dow plunged anyway, then went back up in supposedly hard-hit sectors, including home-repair and high finance. Overall, the markets were down. Is a recession around the corner or already here? The White House and Congress are working up a "fiscal stimulus package." Will it make things better or worse? What's the role of election year politics?
Economic Trouble in an Election Year
- Tom Petruno - Business Reporter, Los Angeles Times
- Gus Faucher - Director of Macroeconomics, Moody'
- Stephen Moore - Heritage Foundation - @StephenMoore
- Jared Bernstein - Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - @econjared
- David Lightman - McClatchy Newspapers - @LightmanDavid