Andrew Blankstein

NBC Investigations


Reporter for NBC Investigations, based in Los Angeles and focusing on police and courts; former crime reporter for the Los Angeles Times

Andrew Blankstein on KCRW

The LAPD has shot and killed 2 innocent people in the past several weeks during police activity.

Who decides when cops open fire?

The LAPD has shot and killed 2 innocent people in the past several weeks during police activity.

from The Mixer

A lot of folks this week are wondering what can be done about the gun violence that plagues this country especially when people have access to weapons that can be enhanced.

When is it okay to talk about gun control?

A lot of folks this week are wondering what can be done about the gun violence that plagues this country especially when people have access to weapons that can be enhanced.

from The Mixer

Why L.A. City Council member Mitch Englander wants a full investigation into all LAPD youth programs.

Youthful and adult indiscretion in the LAPD

Why L.A. City Council member Mitch Englander wants a full investigation into all LAPD youth programs.

from The Mixer

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Volunteers spent days cataloging the wildlife around the U.S. southern border during the annual Border BioBlitz to establish the region as a biodiversity hotspot.

from KCRW Features

An affordable housing developer got $114 million from Gov. Newsom’s Homekey program. Now, with little to show for it, legal and financial problems are mounting.

from Greater LA

The California Energy Commission unanimously adopted a strategic plan to build the state’s offshore wind industry. Much of that will happen at the Port of Long Beach.

from KCRW Features

With the narrow approval of Governor Gavin Newsom’s $6.4 billion mental health bond, Prop 1, the work begins to build thousands of treatment beds.

from KCRW Features

Inglewood school officials blame closures on declining student enrollment and aging facilities. But distraught community members suspect financial motives.

from KCRW Features

Enjoy this guide to edible wildflowers (with recipes!) in Southern California.

from Good Food

This fall, women lawmakers are slated to make up the majority in the California Legislature — a historical first. They could lead on reproductive care and family leave.

from KCRW Features

California could lead the nation with a bill that would open up on-campus jobs at public universities and colleges to the state’s 60,000 undocumented students.

from KCRW Features

In the 1990s, a reading strategy called “balanced literacy” took over CA public schools. The problem? Kids didn’t learn to read. Now, phonics is making a comeback.

from KCRW Features