David Rennie

Economist magazine


Political editor, and former European Union correspondent, for The Economist magazine, he writes the Bagehot's notebook column

David Rennie on KCRW

President Obama  welcomed British Prime Minister Cameron  to the White House today, after they watched an NCAA basketball last night in Ohio.

British Prime Minister Cameron Welcomed to the White House

President Obama welcomed British Prime Minister Cameron to the White House today, after they watched an NCAA basketball last night in Ohio.

from To the Point

The  European Union  has selected its first full-time president, and it's not Tony Blair or anyone else who might give the EU a higher profile on the world stage.

The First EU President: Van Rompuy Who-ee?

The European Union has selected its first full-time president, and it's not Tony Blair or anyone else who might give the EU a higher profile on the world stage.

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