Jason DeParle

New York Times


Reporter for the New York Times and a fellow at the New America Foundation; author of American Dream: Three Women, Ten Children, and a Nation’s Drive to End Welfare

Jason DeParle on KCRW

As the gap grows between the rich and the poor in America's evolving economy, financial aid for college is supposed to be a great equalizer, but it's not working out that way.

Student Aid and College Failure

As the gap grows between the rich and the poor in America's evolving economy, financial aid for college is supposed to be a great equalizer, but it's not working out that way.

from To the Point

President Bill Clinton signed a law he promised would "change welfare as we know it," partly with new emphasis on putting people to work.

Unemployed Get Tangled in a Frayed Safety Net

President Bill Clinton signed a law he promised would "change welfare as we know it," partly with new emphasis on putting people to work.

from To the Point

John McCain  is at odds with the  Republican Party  base, while  Barack Obama  and  Hillary Clinton  are courting Hispanic votes.

Immigration: The Issue That Isn't There

John McCain is at odds with the Republican Party base, while Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are courting Hispanic votes.

from To the Point

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Actor Alec Baldwin will stand trial for involuntary manslaughter over a fatal shooting on the set of his film “Rust” after months of complicated delays.

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Neighborhood concerns over new housing, including evictions, are spurring the latest changes to Mayor Bass’ signature affordable housing policy, Executive Directive 1.

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KCRW discusses key moments in this week’s historic presidential debate. Plus, a Seattle community revisits the role of police officers in schools following a shooting.

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Are Trump’s campaign promises a cause for concern? KCRW also discusses activism in journalism and the role of school vouchers in closing achievement gaps.

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The latest Thursday broadcast of All Things Considered.

from All Things Considered

Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress proved to be a testimony of the U.S. government and its politicians’ stance on the genocide in Gaza.

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How much could AI and deepfakes threaten election integrity? Is round two of the border bill dead on arrival?

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The 75th anniversary celebrating the creation of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, creates an opportunity for those in the war machine to double down their commitment to…

from Scheer Intelligence

The last time the United States saw large scale student anti-war protests was in response to the Vietnam War in 1968 and today against the genocide in Gaza.

from Scheer Intelligence