Jeff Zeleny

New York Times


National political correspondent for the New York Times

Jeff Zeleny on KCRW

Barack Obama's second victory showed Republicans that the nation is changing, and that's led to an agonizing reappraisal.

The GOP and the Lessons of Last Year's Election

Barack Obama's second victory showed Republicans that the nation is changing, and that's led to an agonizing reappraisal.

from To the Point

The  first of this year's three presidential debates  is day after tomorrow, but by the time Obama and Romney have met for the last time the election may already be over.

Early Voting Transforms Campaign Strategy

The first of this year's three presidential debates is day after tomorrow, but by the time Obama and Romney have met for the last time the election may already be over.

from Which Way, L.A.?

President Barack Obama  and  Mitt Romney  are besieged with advice about how to score points with voters in three  debates  starting day after tomorrow.

Election Day Is Becoming Election Month

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are besieged with advice about how to score points with voters in three debates starting day after tomorrow.

from To the Point

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The city of Stanton wants to tear down much of its Tina-Pacific neighborhood to build more housing. But that effort is illegal, argues a new lawsuit.

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Paralysis from the chest down as a result of serving in the U.S.

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KCRW discusses key moments in this week’s historic presidential debate. Plus, a Seattle community revisits the role of police officers in schools following a shooting.

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Santa Ana voters will decide whether to extend voting rights in city elections to non-U.S. citizens in November.

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Are Trump’s campaign promises a cause for concern? KCRW also discusses activism in journalism and the role of school vouchers in closing achievement gaps.

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