Mark Hugo Lopez

Pew Hispanic Center


Associate Director of the Pew Hispanic Center

Mark Hugo Lopez on KCRW

Polling has shown Hillary Clinton with a sizable lead over Trump. But there is some nuance to those polls.

Trends in Latino Voting

Polling has shown Hillary Clinton with a sizable lead over Trump. But there is some nuance to those polls.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

Republican strategists have known for years that it's time to reach out to Latinos, the fastest-growing voting bloc in the nation.

Latino Voters and the Republican Party

Republican strategists have known for years that it's time to reach out to Latinos, the fastest-growing voting bloc in the nation.

from Which Way, L.A.?

Republican talk about an electric border fence, e-verify and deportation was one thing in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

Republican Candidates and Latino Voters

Republican talk about an electric border fence, e-verify and deportation was one thing in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

from To the Point

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