Matthew Yglesias on KCRW

The Arizona Senate race for Republican Jeff Flake’s seat is shaping up to be one of the the most hard fought and interesting races in the country.

With Joe Arpaio in the Arizona Senate race, it's going to be wild

The Arizona Senate race for Republican Jeff Flake’s seat is shaping up to be one of the the most hard fought and interesting races in the country.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

President Trump on down react to the enormous disaster.

How has the response to Hurricane Harvey been?

President Trump on down react to the enormous disaster.

from Left, Right & Center

…and then blames Clinton for the idea.

Trump finally admits Obama was born in the US

…and then blames Clinton for the idea.

from Left, Right & Center

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Jordan Elgrably reminds people of the crucial stories behind those being bombarded daily in Gaza.

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The 75th anniversary celebrating the creation of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, creates an opportunity for those in the war machine to double down their commitment to…

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Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress proved to be a testimony of the U.S. government and its politicians’ stance on the genocide in Gaza.

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After his felony conviction, Donald Trump wants to secure a lot of cash from tech and business sector donors at three fundraisers in California this week.

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