Richard Grenell

media observer and former diplomat


Spokesman for the last four US Ambassadors to the United Nations during the Bush Administration (2001-2009)

Richard Grenell on KCRW

In his  second annual address  to the UN General Assembly today, President Obama emphasized peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

President Obama Goes Back to the UN

In his second annual address to the UN General Assembly today, President Obama emphasized peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

from Which Way, L.A.?

Last year, in his  first speech  to the UN General Assembly, President Obama promised a new era of American engagement with the rest of the world.

President Obama Goes Back to the UN

Last year, in his first speech to the UN General Assembly, President Obama promised a new era of American engagement with the rest of the world.

from To the Point

President Obama accepted  his Nobel Peace Prize  today with humility and a defense of the war in Afghanistan. He said the use of force can bring lasting peace.

War and Peace and the Nobel Prize

President Obama accepted his Nobel Peace Prize today with humility and a defense of the war in Afghanistan. He said the use of force can bring lasting peace.

from Which Way, L.A.?

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