Caroline Smith DeWaal

Food Safety Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest


Caroline Smith DeWaal on KCRW

Yesterday, FDA inspectors  reported  filthy conditions at the two Iowa mega-farms that have recalled a half billion eggs because of a  national outbreak of salmonella .  The irony is…

Egg Safety, Animal Rights and Industrial Farming

Yesterday, FDA inspectors reported filthy conditions at the two Iowa mega-farms that have recalled a half billion eggs because of a national outbreak of salmonella .  The irony is…

from Which Way, L.A.?

Two massive egg farms thought responsible for a  nationwide outbreak of salmonella  were never inspected by federal agencies or the State of Iowa.

Egg Safety, Animal Rights and Industrial Farming

Two massive egg farms thought responsible for a nationwide outbreak of salmonella were never inspected by federal agencies or the State of Iowa.

from To the Point

In the largest food recall in US history, more than eighteen hundred products containing peanuts  have been pulled  from grocery shelves.

This Time It's Peanuts: Food Scares and Food Production

In the largest food recall in US history, more than eighteen hundred products containing peanuts have been pulled from grocery shelves.

from To the Point

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The Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow cities to ban people from sleeping outdoors presents a major shift in the perception of poverty and homelessness in the U.S.

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Jordan Elgrably reminds people of the crucial stories behind those being bombarded daily in Gaza.

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Paralysis from the chest down as a result of serving in the U.S.

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Neighborhood concerns over new housing, including evictions, are spurring the latest changes to Mayor Bass’ signature affordable housing policy, Executive Directive 1.

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