Elizabeth Segal

freelance journalist


Elizabeth Segal is a free-lance radio, print and TV journalist living in Santa Monica, California. She has appeared on The World and Which Way, LA? and has produced TV programming for PBS. She's also been published in TheDailyBeast.com, Salon.com, the LA Times, Seattle's The Stranger Weekly, and others.

Elizabeth Segal on KCRW

This morning, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States.

Donald J. Trump Sworn in as president

This morning, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States.

from To the Point

Guest host Barbara Bogaev runs down who's opting out of Donald Trump's inauguration, looks into the charge that he is not a "legitimate President", and considers how his unusually low…

The boycott of Trump's inauguration

Guest host Barbara Bogaev runs down who's opting out of Donald Trump's inauguration, looks into the charge that he is not a "legitimate President", and considers how his unusually low…

from To the Point

A week before he takes office, America's President-elect is already embroiled in a controversy over the Constitution.

Is Donald Trump defying the Founding Fathers?

A week before he takes office, America's President-elect is already embroiled in a controversy over the Constitution.

from To the Point

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KCRW discusses key moments in this week’s historic presidential debate. Plus, a Seattle community revisits the role of police officers in schools following a shooting.

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After surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump shared a new message of unity at the RNC. Does this signal a change in his GOP vision?

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After his felony conviction, Donald Trump wants to secure a lot of cash from tech and business sector donors at three fundraisers in California this week.

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Months after Orange County CEO Frank Kim announced his resignation, the O.C. Board of Supervisors are scrambling to find his replacement.

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Santa Ana voters will decide whether to extend voting rights in city elections to non-U.S. citizens in November.

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A last-minute change will allow restaurants to keep adding surcharges despite a law that was supposed to make them illegal.

from Good Food

Hundreds of teachers are facing potential layoffs amid low enrollment and financial constraints at the Anaheim Union High School District.

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The 75th anniversary celebrating the creation of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, creates an opportunity for those in the war machine to double down their commitment to…

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Joe Biden is out, Kamala Harris is in. What is next for Harris as she contends for the White House? Plus, how might age verification laws change online privacy?

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