Mark Mazzetti

New York Times


Mark Mazzetti is Washington investigations editor for the New York Times and author of The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth.  He was part of the Times team that won a 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting.

Mark Mazzetti on KCRW

Even before he appointed Michael Flynn as his first National Security Advisor, his transition team knew Flynn was being investigated for possibly breaking the law as a paid lobbyist…

Trump transition knew Flynn was under investigation

Even before he appointed Michael Flynn as his first National Security Advisor, his transition team knew Flynn was being investigated for possibly breaking the law as a paid lobbyist…

from To the Point

President Obama has insisted that ISIS — or ISIL, as the administration calls it, is losing territory and power, but John Brennan told Congress today that’s only part of the story.

CIA Director Brennan Testifies on the ISIS Threat

President Obama has insisted that ISIS — or ISIL, as the administration calls it, is losing territory and power, but John Brennan told Congress today that’s only part of the story.

from To the Point

In a  stunning announcement  today President Obama revealed that CIA drone strike in January accidentally killed an American and an Italian being held hostage by al Qaeda in Pakistan.

CIA Drone Strike Accidentally Kills American, Italian Hostages

In a stunning announcement today President Obama revealed that CIA drone strike in January accidentally killed an American and an Italian being held hostage by al Qaeda in Pakistan.

from To the Point

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Jordan Elgrably reminds people of the crucial stories behind those being bombarded daily in Gaza.

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Santa Ana voters will decide whether to extend voting rights in city elections to non-U.S. citizens in November.

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The Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow cities to ban people from sleeping outdoors presents a major shift in the perception of poverty and homelessness in the U.S.

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LA Mayor Karen Bass says the Supreme Court’s decision to allow bans on homeless encampments could lead to mass incarceration. Will it change the city’s strategy?

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