Michael Hiltzik on KCRW

President Biden signed the bipartisan, $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law on Monday.

CA roads, bridges, and airports will get long-overdue fixes thanks to $45 billion from feds

President Biden signed the bipartisan, $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law on Monday.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

Public health officials say if you think you might have the coronavirus, then stay home. But that can mean a loss of income, which many people likely can’t afford.

Little sick leave and Trump health policies may worsen coronavirus outbreak in US

Public health officials say if you think you might have the coronavirus, then stay home. But that can mean a loss of income, which many people likely can’t afford.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

While Trump cuts environmental protections, Democrats debate climate change -- when reporters give them a chance. CNN didn’t ask until the second half of the latest debate.

The climate debate and impeachment

While Trump cuts environmental protections, Democrats debate climate change -- when reporters give them a chance. CNN didn’t ask until the second half of the latest debate.

from To the Point

More from KCRW

Hospitals strive for early discharge, but it may not be in the patient’s best interest.

from Second Opinion

Therapist Lori Gottlieb talks about common misperceptions surrounding couples therapy, why change is so hard, and the growing trend of therapy rhetoric.

from Life Examined

This week, Kemi Nekvapil , leadership coach and author of “Power: A Woman’s Guide to Living and Leaving without Apology” shares a couple of power practices that can help women and…

from Life Examined

Fast casual chicken joint Koo Koo Roo is back. The restaurant announced its return to the LA dining scene on Instagram on Tuesday.

from KCRW Features

A commuter train that emits only water vapor will start carrying SoCal passengers in early 2025. State officials have already ordered 10 more.

from KCRW Features

This week, Robert Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development and co-author of “The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Scientific Study of Happiness,” talks…

from Life Examined

The late summer heat waves of Southern California are unpleasant for anyone. But for outdoor workers, they can be downright dangerous.

from KCRW Features

Friendships can be just as rewarding and messy as romantic relationships. This week, author Ann Friedman teams up with Myisha to answer your friendship dilemmas.

from How’s Your Sex Life?

As the weather heats up, visitors are flocking to Laguna Beach. But they’re leaving behind trash, picking fights with residents, and making traffic worse, according to city officials.

from KCRW Features