Paul Waldman

columnist for MSNBC


Senior writer at the American Prospect, blogger at the Washington Post and columnist for The Week; author of Being Right Is Not Enough: What Progressives Must Learn from Conservative Success

Paul Waldman on KCRW

The new book “White Rural Rage” explores anger in the heartland and the threat it poses to American democracy.

Why does so much of white rural America still worship Trump?

The new book “White Rural Rage” explores anger in the heartland and the threat it poses to American democracy.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

When he was a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination some years ago, billionaire Steve Forbes carefully separated his personal businesses from his campaign.

A presidential campaign as a personal investment

When he was a candidate for the GOP presidential nomination some years ago, billionaire Steve Forbes carefully separated his personal businesses from his campaign.

from To the Point

For the first time in this presidential campaign, the two major parties' nominees took turns – on the same stage – talking about veterans and military issues.

The power of persuasion

For the first time in this presidential campaign, the two major parties' nominees took turns – on the same stage – talking about veterans and military issues.

from The Mixer

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LA Mayor Karen Bass says the Supreme Court’s decision to allow bans on homeless encampments could lead to mass incarceration. Will it change the city’s strategy?

from KCRW Features

Warming ocean temperatures affect albacore tuna’s migratory patterns, and that’s made it more difficult for local fishermen to make a living catching them.

from KCRW Features

Metro is gathering comments on six possible options for a rail line over – or tunneled under – the Sepulveda Pass. Some in Bel Air are ready to fight them all.

from KCRW Features

The last time the United States saw large scale student anti-war protests was in response to the Vietnam War in 1968 and today against the genocide in Gaza.

from Scheer Intelligence

Cell Dogs rescues canines from local shelters and facilitates pup training programs at correctional facilities.

from KCRW Features

Will SCOTUS’ immunity ruling increase election stakes? Several states are bringing religion into education. LA’s mayor is pushing for a mask ban at protests.

from Left, Right & Center

Are Trump’s campaign promises a cause for concern? KCRW also discusses activism in journalism and the role of school vouchers in closing achievement gaps.

from Left, Right & Center

The Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow cities to ban people from sleeping outdoors presents a major shift in the perception of poverty and homelessness in the U.S.

from Scheer Intelligence

After surviving an assassination attempt, Donald Trump shared a new message of unity at the RNC. Does this signal a change in his GOP vision?

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