Winslow Wheeler

Center for Defense Information


Director of the Straus Military Reform Project at the Center for Defense Information, a non-profit security-related research group; former National Security advisor to both Republican and Democratic members of the US Senate (1971-2002); author of Wastrels of Defense: How Congress Sabotages US Security, Military Reform: A Reference Handbook and Americas Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress; editor of The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It

Winslow Wheeler on KCRW

President Obama today outlined the results of his national security review,  calling for leaner forces  to meet new threats in the 21st Century.

Obama and Panetta Outline Defense Cuts

President Obama today outlined the results of his national security review, calling for leaner forces to meet new threats in the 21st Century.

from To the Point

Shortly after the Senate past the deficit-reduction bill, President Obama signed it, and the US has met tonight's debt-ceiling deadline.

The Grim Aftermath of the Debt Deal

Shortly after the Senate past the deficit-reduction bill, President Obama signed it, and the US has met tonight's debt-ceiling deadline.

from Which Way, L.A.?

The United States won't default on its debts for the first time, so that problem is solved. But the price paid to Tea Party Republicans could make the economy worse.

After the Debt Deal, What Now?

The United States won't default on its debts for the first time, so that problem is solved. But the price paid to Tea Party Republicans could make the economy worse.

from To the Point

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